Книга "The Forsyte Saga - Complete - The Original Classic Edition". If you want to read truly great literature of such a standard that earned John Galsworthy a Nobel Prize for Literature, you need look no further than The Forsyte Saga. The writing evident in this epic is masterful and engaging: it is even and substantive and elegant. The rich irony about the lengths that men strive to acquire property in all its forms and then find their acquisitions useless, meaningless and certainly not worth the price. Galworthy was focused upon property in so many different varieties: the sense of possession that men had of their wives in his time amid archaic laws about divorce; the building of a home that ends in unexpected expense in chancery; the elusive value of works of art; the subtleties of property from family crests, clubs, colleges and occupational status and cuts of mutton to the blatant futility of fighting over land in South Africa during the Boer War -- its all shallow and empty m...